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Building Hope, Transforming Lives

Empowering children, strengthening families, and transforming communities – that's Rayo de Sol's mission. We work in partnership with communities to serve with grace and humility, through our five programs.

Spiritual Growth
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Spiritual Growth

Nurturing a foundation of faith and values for a life filled with purpose and hope.

We're blessed by the deep faith already present in many Nicaraguans. However, there's a great need for ongoing discipleship and spiritual guidance, especially for young people.

Through our Spiritual Growth Program, we strive to:

  • Make the Gospel clear and accessible.

  • Equip individuals to grow in their faith.

  • Provide a supportive community for spiritual development.

By nurturing spiritual growth, we empower individuals and communities to find lasting hope and purpose in their communities.

We partner with Young Life to create a safe space for young people to explore their faith, build friendships, and discover the life-changing message of the Gospel.

But our care extends beyond children. We know parents are the biggest mentors in their children’s lives. That's why we offer workshops and resources to equip families with the tools they need to create a loving and Christ-centered home.

Ready to learn more? Explore our program activities below:

Children's Ministry:

Fun and engaging activities that teach children about God's love.

Mentoring for Parents

Support for parents, so that they may raise the children in faith-filled homes.


Building friendships and exploring faith in partnership with Young Life Nicaragua.

Local Churches

Partnering with local church leaders to promote unity and provide support for their congregations and communities.

Development Workshops

Equipping teens with biblical truths to navigate life's challenges.

Let's walk together on this journey of faith and love!

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Imagine a world where education unlocks a brighter future.

That's the dream we share for children in Nicaragua. Here's how we're working alongside the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education to break down barriers and help kids thrive:

Teacher Training

Great teachers are the magic ingredient! We provide training and resources to equip them with the latest strategies, so they can guide their students on the path to success.

Infrastructure Improvements

A safe and comfortable environment makes all the difference. We work with schools to improve their infrastructure, because every child deserves a place to learn and thrive.

Educational Enrichment

Schools often lack extras, but a curious mind craves exploration! We work with schools to bring a variety of engaging activities that spark a love of learning.


We provide nutritious school meals in partnership with international nonprofits and local growers. These meals fuel young minds, allowing them to focus on learning and reach their full potential.

Reading Comprehension

Imagine a world unlocked by words! We partner with schools to assess reading levels and create fun reading clubs, fostering a lifelong love of books.


We empower students, teachers, and parents to create sustainable school gardens using organic methods. This not only provides fresh produce for meals but also teaches valuable skills for future food security

We're blessed by the deep faith already present in many Nicaraguans. However, there's a great need for ongoing discipleship and spiritual guidance, especially for young people.

We work hand-in-hand with the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education to:

  • Remove obstacles: Support students facing social and financial barriers.

  • Empower teachers: Offer training and development programs for educators.

  • Enrich learning: Provide extracurricular activities and reading programs.

  • Improve infrastructure: Enhance learning environments in schools.

Together, we give children the chance to unlock their God-given potential and build brighter futures.

Educational Quality

In Nicaragua, limited access to quality education hinders potential. Generally, less than half of primary school students make it to sixth grade. Rayo de Sol tackles this challenge head-on.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of Nicaraguan children.

Educational Quality
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Community Health

Health and wellness for families and communities.

Many of the communities that we serve have very limited access to basic health services. Children are often most impacted, as malnutrition affects up to 70% of children in high-poverty areas. Access to proper nutrition and medical care is essential for community members of all ages.

At Rayo de Sol, we care deeply about the well-being of children and families. Our dedicated staff of medical professionals works tirelessly together with the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health and local clinics to provide quality health services to children and families in the communities we serve every day.

Community Health
We work hand-in-hand with local communities, doctors, and organizations to ensure children and families have the resources they need to flourish. Let's explore some of our initiatives:

Community Medical Clinics

Our partner Nicaraguan doctor offers clinic days to all 4 communities where families can have access to basic healthcare and over-the-counter medications.

Health Education

We offer tailored health workshops based on community needs. Simple changes in daily habits can have a significant positive impact on families' health.

Special Medical

We provide home visits and specialized services for patients with chronic or acute health problems.

Specialized Medical Services

We coordinate with local professionals to provide optometry, dentistry, women's health services to the communities we serve.

Together, we can create a brighter future where every child in Nicaragua can thrive. Let's explore how you can get involved!

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Youth in Action

Every Student Deserves a Chance to Thrive

We believe every student deserves the chance to reach their full potential, and to pursue their dreams.
In Nicaragua, even though public high school is free, many families struggle to afford uniforms, shoes, backpacks, and essential school supplies. This can force talented students to drop out and prioritize helping their families financially.

Education shouldn't be a privilege. We understand the challenges many Nicaraguan families face in affording even basic school supplies. At Rayo de Sol, we believe every student deserves the chance to continue their education, set goals for the future and have a support system that will guide them towards a brighter future.

Here's how we're making a difference:

School Scholarships

We help students continue their education past sixth grade and earn a high school diploma, a critical steppingstone to escaping poverty.

University & Technical Scholarships

We support the best high school graduates from our program to pursue higher education and professional development, opening doors to better job opportunities.

Skills Training

We go beyond academics, equipping students with life skills they need to thrive and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Personal Development

We organize workshops, sporting events, art classes and other activities that contribute to the growth and development of the students in our program.

Youth in Action

Together, we can empower young minds to reach their full potential. Learn more about how you can help unlock the God-given talents within Nicaragua's future leaders.

Community Development
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Community Development

Empowering Communities with Sustainable Strategies

At Rayo de Sol, we believe in building relationships and truly understanding the challenges that families face in the communities we serve. Although our development work often begins in the public schools, we also become part of the community's fabric. We listen to the hopes and needs of families, both in urban and rural settings and work with them to create solutions and opportunities.

In Urban Communities:

  • We partner with local organizations to offer vocational training. These programs equip adults with valuable skills, empowering them to develop valuable job skills. We also provide entrepreneurship training and micro-loans to start family businesses.

In Rural Communities:

  • We take a holistic approach, focusing on trees, water, and food. This strategy helps mitigate the effects of climate change while also promoting food security and creating economic opportunities.

We walk hand-in-hand with community leaders.

Investing in Communities for Lasting Change

Community Development requires long-term partnerships and direct participation of families in the communities that we serve. We work to create lasting change through these critical activities:

Vocational Training

We coordinate with the local government to offer vocational courses in areas like sewing, baking, cooking, carpentry and mechanics so that adolescents and adults can develop critical job skills.


We install fuel-efficient stoves that eliminate smoke from homes and also reduces firewood consumption by 50%, which slows deforestation.

Family Business Development

We train families in entrepreneurship and provide micro-loans to start family businesses.


In communities where water is scarce, we install rain harvesting systems and filters, to provide potable water to families.


We work with small farmers to implement biointensive farming, food forestry and other soil and water conservation practices.


We build sanitary latrines for families, in order to improve health and hygiene and also reduce contamination.

Together, we identify and implement solutions that improve the quality of life for families and unlock new possibilities for their future.

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